New concept art, by David Revoy!

by - 2011/12/23 29 Comments Artwork, Production

With Mike Williamson under huge pressure to finish work for his client, we managed to find David Revoy to help on producing concept art again! That’s been a big step forward for us. Ian really could use a visualizer to go over the script, and I wanted enough material ready to present a good application for the Netherlands Film Fund again.

Mango concept art


Mango gallery

by - 2011/12/02 16 Comments Artwork

To show our own progress and your enthusiastic artwork contributions, we’ve added a “Gallery” section on this website now. It’s one of my first jobs on Mango (as production assistant) to manage this section!

Future Koningsplein

Are you inspired by our project? Just post a link here or mail it me directly (rob at The best ones will be added on our website then!

Major thanks to all of you for the contributions of your great artwork and please keep up the good work!

Rob Tuytel.

Blender Conference Secrets

by - 2011/10/31 21 Comments Artwork

A lot of you have been asking: what, exactly is going down at the 2011 Blender Conference?

Well. Let me tell you.

Secrets. Super Secrets. So Secretive I can’t actually tell you.

Here’s a picture of Ton showing all the best secrets.


That should clear THAT up!