Digital open-source storyboard workflow

by - 2012/02/27 16 Comments Artwork

Here are the tips and rules I set for my storyboard workflow on the Mango project. For the past project Sintel, I decided to make it on traditional ( each frame drawed on paper ), but as the tools get betters 3 years after, I decided to go with digital storyboarding for this new project. I used Krita 2.4  ( last version,  compiled from fresh sources ) as my main tool.  Krita’s features presented here are really recent for some and were done on purpose to boost this workflow. But lets starts for now with the spec I use :


Baby head

by - 2012/02/24 12 Comments Artwork

Another concept idea done yesterday we will probably not use, scripts changes are going better and better.
Thanks for the comments on previous drawings :)

(Krita 2.4 Beta) 

Ideas we will probably never use

by - 2012/02/22 16 Comments Artwork

It was too hard to finish the storyboard the day before yesterday as we promised: we were fixing the script and the concept-arts while too many new ideas were incoming. But as our pre-production period allow us still around 10 days remaining we decided to take time and enhance all what we can.  It’s amazing to work with Ian and we have a very high creative period in Amsterdam now.

Also, this is a perfect time to blog-post older concept-arts. This are ideas we will probably never use; but this not mean they are ‘dead’ concept;  if you look for free CC-By concept-art, feel free to give them a try for your own 3D models. I would be happy to see them have a 3D life.
