Filming day 2, Ton’s gallery

by - 2012/05/08 12 Comments Uncategorized

And here’s the pictures of today’s shoot. We enjoyed working with the actors tremendously! Lots of kudos to Derek de Lint, Rogier Schippers and Jody Bhe! (Sorry, the gallery is unsorted, the silly plugin refuses to work with me :)

  1. damrs says:

    Wish i could be there guys! You lucky you… Keep it up. Can´t wait to see the end result!

  2. Fax says:

    Ian, I may very well be wrongly assuming this is one of your first opportunities to work with more established actors but I’d still like to ask: how has it been feeling for a young director like yourself to work with these experienced actors? I wish I could be there, it would be very very interesting to just watch you interact with them, let alone everything else that’s going on!

  3. tonton says:

    Hola, ¿produciran tutoriales?
    respecto a la integracion realidad y 3D, en el DVD
    deseo saberlos, para comprar el DVD

    • David Jordan says:

      El DVD va a tener muchos tutoriales. Todos los DVDs de la Fundacion Blender tienen tutoriales.
      The DVD will have many tutorials. All of the Blender Foundation DVDs have tutorials.

  4. zomby says:

    So much green.

  5. Kutato says:

    Yes, very green, very scary!
    But this film will surely give a lot to talk!

  6. S J Bennett says:

    For those who were watching the stream: how much fun was Rogier? :) Top work to everyone else on camera for keeping a straight expression, i couldn’t have…

  7. Jeroen Mank says:

    Lol. “De Amsterdamned”. Nice gesture towards Dick Maas. Did he ever revisit the institute?

  8. MrE says:

    Pic 23.
    Hi, i’m Mario .


  9. Hey this is great and wonderful …. I wish I was there.
    I wish you success for the project in mango.
    Do not bother

  10. Christoph Pöhler aka Dracio says:

    Wow the Eyepatch is one of the Cooles Probst in the set :D