We’re starting to gear up for the animatic. With Ian getting the timing together with a storyboard edit, I’ve been rigigng up some low-poly, least-distracting, fast, quick and easy to use proxy characters I’ve affectionately named BlockHeads.
The idea is to use these with low res environments to really plan out how each scene and shot will be done. Obviously we’ll probably tweak it all alot once we start the actual filming. But for now this will give us a really solid idea on how each shot should be planned, how when and where we need to add detail and also what the film itself is going to be like.
Please release the blends!!!!
I second that!!!
I could really use some basic characters to plan my own work with :D And these looks great! So why make them myselfs when you have done such a great job ;)
.blend released! have fun!
Wow, that is awesome! :D Thank you so much!
HAH These are awesome!
Final Fantasy 7 ^_^ haha
Another great sci-fi/fantasy… xp
it’s called pre-visualization, i presume…
Very much so
i’m gonna wait until you release the movie, i barely hold myself to peek around. great work guys… and it’ll be great if you share some planning, management and organization stuff.
Wow, awesome! :D Thank you so much!
Ignore this, I replied to the wrong thing and I can’t find a delete button :S
Interesting!!, is taking shape!
Go ahead Mango team!!.
Am I the only one, or does the guy in the front look like Ton…with a moustache, beard and grey hair?
Ton in the movie = awsomness X 100