Lazy sunday in Amsterdam (and some research)

by - 2012/03/11 17 Comments Production, Random

Today we did a little tour to the Oude Kerk here in Amsterdam and enjoyed the first sun of spring. Blogging in the sun while hanging around in the beanbag in the Blender Institute is also quite pleasant, I can tell you!

Anyway, the light in the church is beautiful! We have to find a way to put this in the movie while at the same time have it destroyed by robots. Also the trees and bicycles in front of the church and around the redlight district might become a masking nightmare too. Or we just cover them with futuristic tech-stuff. But let’s see what happens.

I couldn’t help but film and track something in the church. But I have other things to do than putting something in it, so if you guys are interested in some compositing fun, here’s the track and footage. Do something cool and link here! :)

  1. Choons says:

    Hello from Austin, Texas! Thanks for the project file. I’ll post back if I make something interesting with it

  2. vblend says:

    Great idea Sebastian. Thanks !
    It seems Amsterdam is a beautiful place…
    I was wondering, where do you live during the project ? Have you got beds in the Blender Institute ?

  3. Andreas says:

    hi guys,
    i really like your stuff so far and i hope there will be some quick tips on the mango dvd like colin did on the one for sintel.

  4. D says:

    Or, you could digially recreate the front of the church entirely! :D

  5. PhysicsGuy says:

    Covering the bikes with high tech stuff is one option. Getting some boltcutters and tossing them in the canal is another. Or just accept that ugly broken bikes will always be part of dutch cities.

    But jokes aside, a mocha-like automated rotoscoping feature would be great to clean up footage of the facade of the church. How is the “affine tracking” coming along.

  6. hassan yola says:

    ok thank for the file folder I am not a kinda like sebastian but for fun I’ll also try to do somethink with it :-D

  7. Jonathan says:

    This makes me want to go to Amsterdam! What a gorgeous setting!

  8. steven says:

    Cool, a beautiful space to place a Bike that I made for a speed-modeling yesterday.

  9. zomby says:

    Is church out of service?

  10. zomby says:

    Maybe main hero hide in church from devil liberated from hell through sinkhole. Or maybe is jus because of good lighting…

  11. alwadhani says:

    This is my simple attempt

    am still a beginner so dont expect much ;)

    • PhysicsGuy says:

      Haha, that is actually quite funny. Were you inspired by Andrew Price’s recent tutorial?

      • alwadhani says:

        spot on ;) i wanted to remake the tutorial in a diffrent footage. and am always inspired by my aussi mate Andrew

        • PhysicsGuy says:

          You could have some bones sticking out of the sides of the hole. There’s probably lots of famous people buried under the church floor.

  12. Jonathan Hodges says:

    Hey Sebastian, thanks for the footage! I have never owned a good camera so I thought, IT WILL BE AWESOME!

    Tracking Oude Kerk

  13. MrGossips says:

    I had the same idea as PhysicsGuy, but took me a while to complete the animation (I’m pretty new to blender)

    Thanks a lot for the footage and tracking, that’s the toughest part!