Fashion designer Pablo Londono Sarria for costume design

by - 2012/02/04 4 Comments Artwork, Production

I’m really proud to have triggered the enthusiast interest of the top fashion graduate of last year’s Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Pablo is currently doing his Masters in London and will be meeting with us second week of March to discuss clothing and costume design.

He’s been showing us artwork he did for post-apocalyptic comic book as well. His style is amazing, and will add a lot of credibility to our project. Maybe he can do some virtual robot fashion for us too! :)

Rietveld graduation website

(Images: copyright Peter Stigter)

  1. Tobbe says:

    Yay a swede on the project!! :-)

  2. Grafixsuz says:

    This is great to see. Congrats. I imagined Ton and crew were going to design and make their own by taping or stapling garbage bags together…

  3. Harmony says:

    Hi my name is harmony am from nigeria, i know blender will always make the right decision. So i hope pablo brings his best, remember its a sci-fi.

  4. Chelle says:

    Hey, good choice! He makes some really nice clothes. Goed begonnen is half gewonnen!!